Welcome, To Jurassic World!

Personal Journal

It is a well known fact that every kid grows up loving dinosaurs! And so when the doors to Steven Spielberg’s 1993 Jurassic Park opened up shiver went down my spine as I saw these amazing creatures brought to life. Since then we have seen Jurassic Park: Lost World (1997) and Jurassic Park 3(2001) hit the cinemas, but since then it almost seemed that Jurassic Park had sadly gone extinct. Until Jurassic World was announced!

Due to hit cinemas on the 12th June, Jurassic World is set twenty-two years after the events of Jurassic Park, the famous Isla Nublar now features a fully functioning dinosaur theme park, Jurassic World, as originally envisioned by John Hammond. After 10 years of operation and a drop in visitor rates, in order to fulfill a corporate mandate, a new attraction is created to re-spark visitor’s interest, which backfires horribly.
Now this horrible new hybrid dinosaur, reportedly nicknamed the D-Rex, can briefly be seen in its full beauty in the above trailer. The thought of  the brutish strength of a Tyrannosaurus-Rex crossed with the unsettling wit of a Raptor is enough to make me shake in my boots. This screenshot of the D-rex peering through the green forest canopy reminds us of the classic “clever girl” scene from the first Jurassic Park, a great shout back to its origins from new to the franchise director Colin Trevorrow (Safety Not Guaranteed).

jurassic-world-super-bowl-trailer-1The advertisement for this film has been simply amazing with a fully operational and interactive website having been created as if Jurassic World was a real life attraction for people to visit. The site is well worth a visit for all dinosaur and film fanatics alike. http://uk.jurassicworldintl.com

Hot off the amazing Marvel hit Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) Chris Pratt plays expert in the field Owen Grady alongside a cast that features Bryce Dallas Howard (Spiderman 3), Vincent D’Onofrio (Daredevil) and Ty Simpkins (Iron Man 3) we have a mostly new cast from the original trilogy (Yes, we see you there BD Wong!). Chris Pratt appears to really fit the role well bringing his usual witty sense of humour to the role, and Its got to be said Chris Pratt does look real cool riding this bike alongside a pack of trained hunting raptors!Jurassic-World_990x494

Digital Footprint – Part 2


For the second part of my assigned task we were now asked to consider the digital footprint of another professional media practitioner and how they represent themselves. So to do this I decided to pick a favourite director of mine in James Gunn from such films as ‘Super’ and most recently ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’.


On what sites do they present themselves on the internet?

So James Gunn has a Facebook page which he operates himself and posts fairly often to it as you may have seen I posted a quote of advise to fellow filmmakers from James Gunn on my blog a month back. He also operates a Twitter page on which some of his posts are the same as on Facebook however he appears to use this more regularly than Facebook, whether this is because her recognises the rising popularity of Twitter for following celebrities or whether this is just because of ease I am unsure. He has his own website ( http://jamesgunn.com ) which I only just discovered since starting writing this blog and can I say it is eye catching and intriguing. The opening header of his website says “the official website of filmmaker james gunn for shit outside the norm”. This particularly struck me as a website is a means of advertisement to potential employees, and although James Gunn is now a big name surely this was still a resource for potential employers. However it is in keeping with his relaxed and casual display of self throughout all media outlets.

What kind of images do they use and do they brand themselves?

So with James Gunn having recently released hit sensation Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy it is clear that James Gunn has since been branding himself as a Marvel fanatic by posting images not only about his hit film but also others related to the MCU such as this image of Daredevil in his early black costume sporting the line “For those among you complaining about Daredevil’s initial costume in the series may I remind you of this…”

B6xr1zSCIAAFZ6T.jpg-largeConsidering Gunn is signed on to direct Guardians of the Galaxy 2 it is within reason that he would show support to Marvel so as to keep employers happy, however nothing about James Gunn’s appearance on the internet appears out of synch with him being interested in things such as comics and so it could simply be a very real appearance of himself.

Do they give interviews?

Yes, Yes he does and I have seen some interviews with Mr.Gunn that have been a delight to watch. Here is one where he discusses writing and it really captures the laid back approach of James Gunn to his media professional career. It is a really interesting watch not just because it shows us what he is really like but also because it is an eye opener to just what the industry is like these days and what it takes to be successful as a writer.